Hot Lunch

LunchBox - Hot Lunch

Ardrossan Elementary School (AES) Lunchbox Welcomes You to our Online Website!  Registration & Ordering will be open Thursday, August 29 – September 5, 2024 and the first day of Hot Lunch will be September 16, 2024 for grades 1-6! Kindergarten students will be able to order from the October menu.

Never Registered Before? Here’s How:  Go to

Click the "CLICK HERE TO REGISTER" button to sign up.

Our school access code is AEHL;
Enter your name, email address and phone number**;
Enter a user id that you will use for access to the hot lunch application;
Enter a password and then enter it again to verify that it is correct.

**If you had a credit on file at the end of last year, that credit will show up on your 2024/2025 account but YOU MUST USE the same email and/or phone number to register for the upcoming year!  (Once registered, and you see your credits, you can change your email in your settings if you need to)

Once registered, you will be logged into the website

Important Note:  You need to know your child’s teacher assignment before you can continue. Please add your students by clicking on the "STUDENTS" button below or the "PROFILE" menu tab in order to proceed. Once your students have been added to the system you will be able to place lunch orders immediately by clicking the "Order" button below each child's name.  IT’S THAT EASY!

Note* If you are registering students under 2 different usernames you will need to ensure you are changing the students name.  (Ex.  Sam Smith :  Sam Smith and Sam SMITH )

We would also like to continue to be as paperless as possible for upcoming fundraisers, and monthly treat and special order in days (they will be back this year! Nitzas Pizza & Pasta, Cobs, Booster Juice, Noodle Box, A&W, Subway and more). watch the Bison tales for updates, AEL Facebook page and emails for more info. 

But I registered last year, do I register again?

Yes!  It is illegal for our program to have accounts for families with children who no longer attend our school.  For those of you who have forgotten your user name/password from last year, don’t fret, you get to start all over again. It is easier and more efficient to delete all accounts and start fresh. This process will occur every new school year.  (Please see notes on Credits before you re-register)

Not participating in hot lunch?  We encourage you to register even if your child does not participate so that you are able to receive emails about our hot lunch program, fundraisers, and special treat days that we hold throughout the year.

Why Online?

The Lunchbox implemented our on-line ordering solution 6 years ago.  We love it and all of our families love it too!  For us at The Lunchbox, it gives peace of mind that orders are entered directly by parents (or your children, it is that easy). This way reporting for ordering, distribution and costing are accurate, credits/refunds show immediately on your accounts, and the email distribution system allows us to be in direct contact with you.  Our system gives us the opportunity to send out E-news regarding new menu items, reminders (orders/payments are due; let you know what you ordered for the week; and what days you volunteered to deliver lunch.) 

What if I don’t have a Computer at Home?

Are you able to access a computer from your work, local library, or a family member?  We realize that this may be a concern for some families, but you can also access the website with mobile devices.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Is there a Cost to me?

Yes, the cost to participate in our hot lunch program is a one time annual $1.00 per child fee for the entire school year.  This fee will automatically be added to each student’s account upon the placement of their first lunch order.

How do I Pay?

Our on-line system allows us to offer you the opportunity to pay using your personal PayPal account, VISA, Mastercard, or AMEX.  Please note that similar to any on-line payment solution, there will be a transaction fee added to your final total. (2.9%+$0.30).

E-transfer to the following email address: (no password needed, but please document the students name in your subject memo line) If you are using this option, please ensure you submit your payment by the closing date for that month’s ordering so that lunch orders can be processed on time.  If not received, the orders will be deleted.

Does The Lunchbox still need Volunteers?

YES! This year we can have a return of parent volunteers enter the school.  The preparation of Hot Lunch will be facilitated through our employees in our fully licensed commercial grade kitchen.  We will be using volunteers to assist in the daily delivery process. The opportunity will be first offered to our board members and the group of volunteer parents we used last year. We will look at bringing new volunteers in once things get started with deliveries. 

If you are interested in joining the board and volunteering please visit us at The Hot Lunch Kitchen on Meet the Teacher Night. You can also email us at and watch the Bison Tales for updates on our regular meetings.

The Lunchbox thanks you in advance for your patience and consideration as we start a brand new school year!  If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to

Support issues will be addressed within 24 hours and should be directed to