Bison Tales March 17, 2023

Happy Friday Ardrossan families,
How great it has been to have the sun back with some warmer weather! We have had lots of searches going on for leprechaun's here today. I'm not sure that any have been found, but we'll definitely keep you posted should one turn up!
Please remember that next week is just a four day week as we begin Spring Break on Friday, March 24.
Lana Lastiwka and Tandy Atchison
Principal and Assistant Principal
March 20 - 24, 2023
Monday |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday | |
Thursday |
Friday |
Upcoming Dates
- March 20 - School Council and AEPSA - 6:30 p.m.
- March 23 - Last Day of Classes Before Spring Break
- March 23 - Spirit Day - wear plaid
- March 24 - 31 - Spring Break - Schools Closed
- April 3 - School resumes
- April 5 - Early Dismissal 2:16 p.m.
AEPSA Fundraiser - NEW and YUMMY
Our parent group is having a Wilhauk fundraiser, lots of yummy things to order from beef jerky to pulled pork.
Wilhauk Beef Jerky School Fundraising Form
This amazing fundraiser will open on March 2 and run until March 23. Orders will be available for pick up from Ardrossan school on April 5 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Each order will be pre packed in a box or bag for each family depending on the size of the order.
You will be able to log into the where you order lunches, and e-transfer or PayPal your orders in.
The form is for you to keep track of your orders, it does not need to be submitted.
Lost and Found - Winter Clearance Collection
Please check out our Lost and Found items. They will be left out until Wednesday, March 22. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Goodwill after that date.
Bison Bravo a Staff Member
Did you know that the Ardrossan Elementary Parent Support Association has started a staff bravo initiative? As you might know, Ardrossan staff regularly give out Bison Bravos to students to acknowledge acts of citizenship, kindness or excellence.
AEPSA is offering the chance for students and families to Bravo a staff member! All you have to do is click on the the Bravo a Staff Member box on the right side of the school webpage to fill out an electronic Bravo form. Then our amazing AEPSA parents write you message on a note which is delivered to that staff member along with a sweet treat!
Have your say! EIPS’ 2023 Annual Feedback Survey Opens March 1-23
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you. Make sure to complete the 2023 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For parents and caregivers—open from March 1-23.
Every year, EIPS conducts the feedback survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Families are asked a series of questions about their experiences with EIPS and the school their child attends, the overall performance of the Division, the quality of education being provided to students and areas for improvement. The survey input helps the Division develop new strategies to better serve students and the wider community. VISIT EIPS.CA TO TAKE THE SURVEY: March 1-23
NOTE: The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you want to share the experience of more than one child attending an EIPS school, simply complete the survey again.
Kindergarten Registration is Now Open!
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2023? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. To register, simply complete the online registration form at
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Pre-kindergarten Programming at EIPS
Is there a preschooler in your life experiencing developmental delays or challenges with speech-language or motor-skill development—big or small? If so, Elk Island Public School’s Play And Learn at School (PALS) program could help.
Early learning lays the foundation for success in primary grades and beyond. As such, EIPS offers the pre-kindergarten PALS program in five of its elementary school locations—including Ardrossan Elementary. In fact, EIPS is now accepting applications for free speech-language assessments for those interested in registering in the PALS program this fall. The assessment helps determine if PALS is appropriate for your child.
If you know a preschooler, born in 2019 or 2020, who could benefit from pre-kindergarten programming or want to book an assessment, fill out the PALS Program Request Form or call 780-417-8219. For more information, visit
CALLS Math Homework Support Program
Math Homework Support for Parents and Caregivers Looking to support your child in their math learning? The Community Adult Learning and Literacy Society (CALLS) is here to help! A CALLS instructor can walk you through kindergarten to Grade 6 math homework online so that you can feel confident in fostering your child’s math skills. Support sessions take place virtually every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Simply call or text 780-667-8441 for a Zoom meeting link.
Parents Make the Difference
Each month we will include some articles with some great tips and strategies for parents. Here is this week's featured article:
Look for lines of symmetry in nature
If you fold a picture of a butterfly in half, you’ll notice that the two halves match exactly. That’s because butterflies, like many things in nature, are symmetrical.
Showing your child how to look for lines of symmetry is a great way to practice recognizing patterns. It is also a fun family activity that can give your child a new way of looking at nature.
To get started:
- Look for natural objects that are symmetrical and take photos of them. Flowers, leaves, spider webs and shells may all have these lines.
- Have your child predict where the line of symmetry will be. Then fold along that line to see if the two sides match up exactly.
- Find lines of symmetry in other places, such as in the pages of a magazine or book. Remember that lines of symmetry can be vertical (as in the letter A) or horizontal (as in the letter B). They can even be diagonal. Sometimes, things may have more than one line of symmetry.
Reprinted with permission from the March 2023 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2023 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc.