Bison Tales June 9, 2023

Good afternoon Bison families,
Today was a bittersweet day as we held our grade 6 farewell, honouring our grade 6 students and wishing them all the best as they move onto junior high. Thank you to all of the parents, guardians and other friends and family who joined our assembly this morning, it takes a village!
We have been fortunate over the past few weeks to have Métis artist Krista Leddy in our building. She has worked with all students from PALS to grade 6 to create a beautiful Bison Legacy Project which will be installed in the gathering area in the fall. Be sure to ask your children which tile is theirs. Thank you Krista for sharing your passions and talents with us.
We have lots of upcoming field trips and events for you all to be aware of, this is a busy time of year, but also lots of fun and memories in the making. Please take a look at the calendar on our school website and the dates listed below.
If you haven't already, please take a look at the BBQ ordering information below as the deadline to place an order for the year end BBQ is Thursday, June 14.
Our Sports Day is planned for Monday, and it looks like it will be another hot day. Thank you for making sure your children have hats, sunscreen and water bottles. We are looking forward to a fun day!
Have a great weekend,
Lana Lastiwka and Tandy Atchison
Principal and Assistant Principal
June 12 - 16, 2023
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Upcoming Dates
June 19 - Kindergarten Celebration 2 p.m.
June 20 - Grade 6 English Language Arts Part B PAT
June 21 - Grade 1 Strathcona Wilderness Center Field Trip
June 21 - National Indigenous People's Day
June 22 - Last Day of PALS
June 22 - Grade 6 Math Part A PAT
June 23 - Grade 6 Math Part B PAT
June 26 - Grade 6 Social Studies PAT
June 27 - Grade 6 Science PAT
June 27 - Year-End BBQ (beginning at 11:15 a.m.)
Year-End BBQ - Parent Volunteers Needed!
Canadian Parents for French Ardrossan Chapter will be hosting the Ardrossan Elementary Year-End Family BBQ on Tuesday, June 27 at 11:15 a.m. This event is for all students and families to enjoy. Orders can be made for parents and siblings under student hot lunch account, and extras will be for sale the day of the BBQ.
In order to make this event possible we rely on the help of volunteers. Sign up for a position here and if you have any questions please contact
Thanks for your support.
I wanted to give you the construction timeline for the playground (weather dependent), if you have any questions please let me know
Year End BBQ Ordering Information
The year end CPF BBQ is back. Stations will be set up outside in the school yard for students/ family members to collect their items and have a picnic together to celebrate the successful school year!
BBQ to start at 11:15 a.m. Food Items will be available for pick up from 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Please Note: Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on school grounds.
CPF BBQ Orders and Payments are due by Thursday , June 14th!
Let's begin!!
Regular users? Using your normal Hot Lunch UserID and password, log on to the site. (If you have forgotten your UserID and /or password, please click on the 'Forgot Password' and enter the UserID or email that was used to register. You will receive an email with login information.)
To place orders for your children, click on the 'STUDENTS' button and place their order. Add your parent / sibling/ family order to your students order, please do not create a new acct for each person ordering.
How do I pay for my order? Once all of your orders have been placed, etransfer order/payment deadline Thursday June 14.
Please do not use your Hot Lunch Credits to pay for the BBQ. This is a fundraiser for CPF Ardrossan. Your HL credits will be added back to your acct next school year.
How can I volunteer to help? Further information will be sent out as a sign-up genius through the bison tales.
Get your orders in now!!
If you have any questions or problems with the on-line order system, please contact
If you have questions regarding the Year End BBQ and its processes etc., please email us at
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on June 27.
CPF Ardrossan
Parents Make the Difference
Each month we will include some articles with some great tips and strategies for parents. Here is this week's featured article:
Offer your child motivation to keep learning
Students who remain motivated to learn are likely to be more successful in school than those who are not. Motivation comes from within your child, but the right words and actions from you can encourage it.
Try these ideas:
- Be a learner yourself. Let your child see you read books. Watch educational programs. Attend school functions. Try new things. Show curiosity.
- Share what you learn. Talk about new ideas or scientific discoveries with your child. Discuss things you read or hear.
- Show an interest in what your child is learning. Ask questions to learn and share—not to check up on your child.
- Stay positive. If your child has problems in school, talk about how problems can be solved. Meet with the teacher to figure out ways your child can improve. Then discuss ways you can work together to help your child succeed.
- Show faith in your child’s ability to learn. Offer praise when your child shows effort.
Reprinted with permission from the May 2023 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2023 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc.