53131 Range Road 222
Ardrossan , AB T8E 2M8
Phone: 780-922-2066
Happy Wednesday Bison Families,
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out to our parent teacher interviews/demonstration of learning Monday and Tuesday. It is so nice to see you all engaging in your child's education, it takes a village.
You may notice that today there was no link for the Bison Tales, and all the information was in the body of the email. We want to make it as easy as possible for our families to access all the important information regarding our school.
Thank you again for being so amazing, we will see you on Monday, February 13.
Lana Lastiwka and Tandy Atchison
Principal and Assistant Principal
February 13 - 17, 2023
Thursday |
Upcoming Dates
A hold and secure is used when there is a security threat or potential threat of violence outside the building. In a hold and secure, any people outside are directed back into the building and all exterior doors are locked. All interior doors remain in their normal state and routine activities generally continue inside. No one is allowed in or out of the building until the hold and secure is lifted. For more information about Elk Island Public Schools’ emergency preparedness planning, visit www.eips.ca/parents/emergency-preparedness.
We will be filling our school gathering area with hearts for Random Acts of Kindness week. Students will be encouraged to recognize the kind acts of their peers by presenting them with a heart which will be displayed for all to see. Even though this is a dedicated week, kindness is something to be shared at all times. Go Bisons!
Our school is excited to be participating in Jump Rope for Heart this year for the month of February! Join Ardrossan elementary and help Heart & Stroke save lives by jump-starting your fundraising. Here’s how:
Visit www.jumpropeforheart.ca and click “Register” and search for Ardrossan Elementary or copy and paste the school link https://jumpropeforheart.crowdchange.ca/17874 to register right from our school page. Help your child set up their fundraising page online.
Jump Rope for Heart is more than a fundraiser. It teaches students 4 EASY Healthy Habits to help protect their heart and brain health – for a lifetime! Check out the EASY Online Challenge at www.jumpropeforheart.ca – it’s full of fun activities that you can even do as a family at home!
Once again, Alberta Education is surveying teachers, students and families through its annual Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey. The survey acts as an annual check-up on the province’s education system. Every year, Alberta Education conducts the survey to gather information about the quality of education provided by Alberta schools and school authorities. The survey looks at various measures such as education quality, citizenship, family involvement, engagement levels, school climate and student wellness.
The AEA survey is sent to
· Small schools (fewer than 120 students in grades 4-12)—based on jurisdiction requests for more reportable survey data at the school level, the survey is expanded to include all students in grades 4 and above and their parents and guardians.
· Large schools (120 or more students in grades 4-12)—only students in grades 4, 7 and 10 and their parents and guardians are included in the survey. These grades are considered to be a reasonably representative sample of students.
Throughout February, Grade four students at Ardrossan Elementary are completing the survey online at the school. Student participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. Students are assigned a random username and password to ensure survey responses aren’t linked to any individual student. The survey doesn’t take long to complete and is done within the school day during regular class time.
Additionally, parents and guardians of students in these grades are also asked to take a survey, either online or by mail. Alberta Education will send families information about the survey directly. As with the student and teacher survey, it’s anonymous and asks questions about your school experiences. If you have a child in these grades, we encourage you to participate. The survey deadline is March 3, 2023.
Results from the AEA Survey are provided to Elk Island Public Schools each spring. The Division then uses the data to inform its four-year education plan, school education plans and strategies for continuous improvement. Each fall, the results are also shared with EIPS families and school communities in the Division’s Annual Education Results Report
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2023? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. To register, simply complete the online registration form at eips.ca/kindergarten.
To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Elk Island Public Schools’ (EIPS) returning student registration process is now open. All current students, except Grade 12, must complete the online Returning Student Registration Form to confirm their enrolment in a school for the upcoming 2023-24 school year. Additionally, students who want to attend a non-designated school need to make that request through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space. All current EIPS students are required to complete the form by Feb. 28, 2023.
To access the Returning Student Registration Form, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
If you don’t have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, you do need to set one up. For help see: Create a PowerSchool Parent Portal account
For more information contact the school directly.
Returning Student Registration Process
Frequently Asked Questions
EIPS School Boundary Maps
Closed Boundaries 2023-24
Find my designated school
Applying to a non-designated school
It is that time of year where we start planning for school fees for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Please take a moment to respond to our Fee Survey. We will be looking at the results and feedback to help inform our decision making process.
Each month we will include some articles with some great tips and strategies for parents. Here is this week's featured article:
Strengthen social skills by focusing on social awareness
When students have the ability to understand and empathize with others, they can form solid connections with classmates, teachers and friends. They are also able to think about situations from different points of view.
Social awareness allows children to feel compassion for others—even when their background and culture may be different. Families can help children develop their social skills so they can interact, cooperate and problem-solve positively and respectfully with people from a variety of backgrounds.
To develop and practice social awareness, teach your child to:
Reprinted with permission from the February 2023 issue of Parents make the difference!® (Elementary School Edition) newsletter. Copyright © 2023 The Parent Institute®, a division of PaperClip Media, Inc.
53131 Range Road 222
Ardrossan , AB T8E 2M8
Phone: 780-922-2066
The Division is committed to ensuring each student is provided with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment.
Is your child going to be away today? Click here to email Mrs. McNeely! Please remember to tell us the reason for the absence!
Click here to sync to our calendar and stay up to date with upcoming events!
Has one of our staff made your day? Do you want to acknowledge them with a Bison Bravo? Click here to fill out a Bravo form!